The tradition of tea drinking in Russia.
- 30 July 2016 10:28:47
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At the beginning of the XIX century, the ubiquity of tea led to appearance of peculiar and colorful ritual of tea drinking in Russia. Since tea was not cheap those days, it was very important to have an ability not to “break tea”, in addition to the ability to make tasty tea, that meant to pour it up so that each of those present at the tea party received his share of tea of the same strength.
Samovar, being the decoration of the table, was placed directly on the tea table or a small table that was set at the end of the table. Only the mistress by herself poured tea, and only in case of emergence, this action was entrusted the eldest of the daughters, that corresponded to an unwritten rule: the same person should always pour tea, being well familiar with this case.
The burghers and merchants' families were allowed to lodge cups of hot tea on deep saucers, from which tea was drunk with a piece of sugar or some jam, holding the saucer in hands with a special, showy style. They drank tea from china, it was necessary not to pour 1-2 cm from the edge of the cup, as it was considered a sign of good manners. Full glass of tea "to the top" were served in restaurants where common people drank it and could demand to fill their glasses "vsklyan" or absolutely complete for their penny. At present some tea lovers or mistresses, welcoming guests with tea, still preserve this ancient habit to pour a cup of a guest to the brim, to show that "they aren’t mean for dear guests".
Imperial Porcelain Factory preserves the traditions of Russian tea, continuing to release tea sets both of white bone china and of hard porcelain with the application of colorful folk paintings - «Folk Ornaments» or classical designs such as «Cobalt Net» and «Net-Blues», that became the hallmark of the Imperial Porcelain Factory. These sets will turn a tea party into a real holiday, as it can’t be otherwise when you are surrounded with such a luxury.
Samovar, being the decoration of the table, was placed directly on the tea table or a small table that was set at the end of the table. Only the mistress by herself poured tea, and only in case of emergence, this action was entrusted the eldest of the daughters, that corresponded to an unwritten rule: the same person should always pour tea, being well familiar with this case.
The burghers and merchants' families were allowed to lodge cups of hot tea on deep saucers, from which tea was drunk with a piece of sugar or some jam, holding the saucer in hands with a special, showy style. They drank tea from china, it was necessary not to pour 1-2 cm from the edge of the cup, as it was considered a sign of good manners. Full glass of tea "to the top" were served in restaurants where common people drank it and could demand to fill their glasses "vsklyan" or absolutely complete for their penny. At present some tea lovers or mistresses, welcoming guests with tea, still preserve this ancient habit to pour a cup of a guest to the brim, to show that "they aren’t mean for dear guests".
Imperial Porcelain Factory preserves the traditions of Russian tea, continuing to release tea sets both of white bone china and of hard porcelain with the application of colorful folk paintings - «Folk Ornaments» or classical designs such as «Cobalt Net» and «Net-Blues», that became the hallmark of the Imperial Porcelain Factory. These sets will turn a tea party into a real holiday, as it can’t be otherwise when you are surrounded with such a luxury.